Opulent Family Service offers a Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) for Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) youth in Kern County.
Opulent Family Service offers a Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP) for Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) youth in Kern County. The THP focuses on assisting youth with developing the independent life skills necessary to manage everyday life relating to financial budgeting, building relationships in a shared space housing environment, career planning, and accomplishing the lifecycle stage of a young adult. Opulent Family Service provides services to transition-age (18-21) foster youth. All participants must be able to live independently without 24-hour supervision. The participants will reside in out-of-home placement funded by Community Care Licensing and participate in the Kern County Department of Human Services Independent Living Program.
Partnering with social service providers and other community organizations, Opulent Family Service provides trauma-informed, culturally competent, and developmentally appropriate services to encourage each individual to discover and develop their own sense of worth, self-sufficiency, along with meaningful independence in early adulthood. The program is designed to realize the vision of Assembly Bill 12, California Fostering Connections to Success Act. Extended foster care services improve out comes for youth leaving foster care by focusing on specific strengths, challenges, barriers, and aspirations of young adults as they begin living on their own for the first time. Many in the early adulthood stage rely on family and other significant adults in their young lives to accomplish the learning curve of independence. Opulent Family Service social workers and peer life coaches provide direction, encouragement, and exposure to the community resources available to make this stage of life fulfilling and successful.
Our goal is to work with the youth to pave the foundation for building as well as increasing resilience, and strengthening the overall emotional health of each individual. This is accomplished through a sequence of services that include case management, medical, mental health, mentoring, peer support, educational, and residential services.